Technology - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

REALTORS: Hidden Factors That Affect Your SEO Rank

You want prospects to find you easily online. Climbing to the top of SEO rankings, however, isn’t always clear-cut. Google doesn’t publish its search-ranking algorithms or document its evaluation criteria, but tech experts are uncovering some trends.Jayson DeMers, SEO and online marketing columnist for, says firms trying to increase their search rank often focus on more traditional key areas, like the content itself, the site’s

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How Self-Driving Cars Will Change Housing

Experts predict the advent of autonomous cars will radically change homes and towns alike. By 2021, major automakers, like Ford, Volvo, and BMW, are planning to manufacture either fully autonomous vehicles or ones capable of navigating highways on their own. Some automakers are debuting systems even sooner.Private vehicles that usher you to and from work without stop-and-go traffic may become the new way of life. You can work during your commute

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REALTORS: How to manage Facebook Click-to-Messenger ad leads right

One of the main advantages of Click-to-Messenger ads — compared to traditional landing pages or opt-in forms — is that they allow you to instantly engage a lead on the Facebook Messenger platform.That not only means faster follow-up but also better response rates from leads.I wrote an article recently about using Facebook’s new Click-to-Messenger ads as a better way to generate high-quality leads (check out my article on Click-to-Messenger

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REALTORS: Smart home tech your clients need right now

Capture your clients’ hearts with cutting-edge closing gifts and smart home tipsFull disclosure. I am a complete, total tech geek. My first big tech purchase was the hot “personal digital assistant” Palm VII way back when I was 19 years old.Some of you reading this probably have no idea what that is, but imagine if a GameBoy had apps, really, really slow internet connection and managed your calendar. That’s pretty much what the Palm VII w

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Top Cybersecurity Threats to Watch for in 2018

Cybersecurity risk will certainly grow in 2018, warns Christopher Skinner, CEO of technology security firm SpiderOak. “We trust our devices and systems to drive our cars, deliver vital medical treatments, and protect our homes and supply chains, but these have never been more insecure,” he says.Here are some of the most pressing cybersecurity threats to businesses in the new year, according to SpiderOak:Software updates: The new Trojan horse.

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Hire a Robot for Your Next Home Showing

A robot could walk your buyers on a guided tour of a property, without you ever having to be there in person.Zenplace, an artificial intelligence and machine learning company for landlords and homeowners, is touting a robot that can take clients on guided home showings. The company concentrates on showings of rental properties. It hopes robots will help free up agents’ time and significantly reduce the time it takes to rent a property.“We set

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Today Is the Day to Check Computer Security

Nov. 30 marks National Computer Security Day. And here’s a sobering stat: More than 16 million Americans have systems in danger. In real estate, you’re entrusted with clients’ personal information and financial data. This puts you particularly at risk.Overall, 19 percent of Americans admit they don’t do anything to protect their computer from getting hacked, according to the Ooma Computer Security Day Survey conducted by Ooma, a VoIP prov

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REALTORS: 19 Tips to Get More Client Reviews

19 Ways to Get More Real Estate Agent Reviews from Premier Agent | Zillow & TruliaHere are 19 tips from real estate agents who have dozens — if not hundreds — of reviews:Be upfront with your clients Ask for reviews. Very few people will just write a real estate agent review on their own. You have to ask them to do it. If you’re just starting out, aim to get at least five reviews.“A big change we made — one that changes the bal

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Home Features, Not Brands, Lure Young Buyers

Home features—particularly those that are technology-based—have a stronger pull on millennial home shoppers than the promotion of brand names, according to a new survey by John Burns Real Estate Consulting, conducted with 20,000 new home shoppers. Millennials tended to show a preference for tech-focused amenities that could make their lives simpler.Young adults born in the 1980s and 1990s are half as likely as their parents’ generation to

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Use Aluminum Foil to Strengthen Wi-Fi Signal

Researchers at Dartmouth University have discovered that you can improve a wireless network’s range and increase Wi-Fi security by using aluminum foil as a reflector on and around a router’s antenna. “With a simple investment of about $35 and specifying coverage requirements, a wireless reflector can be custom built to outperform antennae that cost thousands of dollars,” Xia Zhou, an assistant professor at Dartmouth, told technology news

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